Policy Lab A and B

The Policy Lab is available at no cost to inhabitants of the CIRS building (along with a few special arrangements). The policy is that in order to qualify for no cost use there must be an inhabitant in the meeting otherwise a charge will be assessed for the use of the room. The Policy Lab is a self serve room and renters are required to return the room to the layout on the room map, remove any catering & meeting supplies and clean the tables if required. No AV support is provided. Room Rental Rate: $150/day for either Policy A or B or $300/day for both a and B

BC Hydro Theatre

We do sponsor events in the Hydro theatre for reduced or no cost but that is done on a case by case basis.Please contact tim.herron for sponsorship arrangements. Room Rental Rate: $100/ Hour or $800/ day (up to 10 hours)

CIRS Atrium & 2nd Floor Bridge

Room Rental Rates: contact Events Manager tim.herron@ubc.ca